Rio de Janeiro
The Hostel by Hotel Galicia is located in the center of the city of Rio de Janeiro, close to important commercial buildings of the city and close to several tourist attractions, as well as the bohemian neighborhood of Lapa, where are located the Arcos da Lapa, Staircase Selaron and several botecos, show houses and nightclubs.
Center of Rio de Janeiro
More and more revitalized, the center of the city of Rio de Janeiro counts on several options, not only business (here are located the main offeces of the city), of shopping (Polo Saara), but also for tourist visitation, where we highlight Largo of Carioca with the convent of Santo Antônio, the imperial palace, the municipal theater, the royal portuguese reading office, the national library, the cultura center of the bank of Brazil, as well the metropolitan Cathedral of São Sebastião and the church of Nossa senhora of Candelária.
The Hostel by Hotel Galicia has parking (at an additional cost), but with its central location, we have several accesses to the city's public transport, such as the VLT that has left us even closer to the revitalized Plaza Mauá, AquaRio, etc.
Another option is the subway, which connects our hotel to the Zona Sul (Botafogo, Copacabana, Ipanema, Leblon, etc.), as well as Barra da Tijuca and Zona Norte.
Public transport:
Subway (Central Station): 800m
VLT (Saara Station): 550m
Bus Stop: 200m
Novo Rio Bus Station: 3,5km
Santos Dumont Airport: 2,6km
Internacional Airport: 17km
Walking distance:
INCA: 4min
Arcos da Lapa: 11min
Staircase Selaron: 15min
Metropolitan Cathedral: 8min
Municipal Theatre: 18min
National Library: 17min
Saara Polo: 9 min
Souza Aguiar Hospital: 6min
Regional Labor Court: 8min
Petrobras - Senado Bulding: 3min
BNDES: 12min
Vale: 23min
Finep: 9min
Presidente Vargas Avenue: 8min
Rio Branco Avenue: 17min
Praça Mauá: 25min
Distance by car:
Flamengo: 10min
Botafogo: 14min
Copacabana: 18min
Ipanema: 22min
Leblon: 25min

Know the other establishments of our group:


Hostel by Hotel Galicia – Rua Carlos de Carvalho, 8 – Centro – CEP 20230-180 – Rio de Janeiro – RJ
Telefone: +55 (21) 2221-0211 / +55 (21) 2252-8635 - WhatsApp: +55 (21) 98880-9982